SPPU Question Paper - 2022 With Answers
Second Year BBA(CA) Operating System SPPU Question Paper - 2022 With Answers
- Answer all questions
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Q1). Attempt any eight of the following: [8 * 2 = 16]
- Define the term operating system.
Ans:- An operating System is a software program or set of program thatmediate access between physical devices such as, a keyboard,mouse , monitor , disk drive , or network connection andapplication programs such as , a word processor, word-wide webbrowser or electronic mail client.The operating system is a program that controls the execution ofapplication programs and act as an interface between applicationsand the computer hardware.The computer system can be divided roughly into fourcomponents:1. Hardware2. Application programs3. Operational users4. End Users
- What is meant by multiprocessing system ?
Ans:- Multiprocessor system means, there are more than one processor which work parallel to perform the required operations.
It allows the multiple processors, and they are connected with physical memory, computer buses, clocks, and peripheral devices.
The main objective of using a multiprocessor operating system is to increase the execution speed of the system and consume high computing power.
- What is process ?
Ans:- A process is a program in execution. As the program executes
the process change state . The state of a process is defined by its current activity. each process must be in one of the following states: New, Active,
Waiting ,Ready , End.
- Which scheduler control the degree of Multiprogramming ?
Ans:- CPU scheduling is the basis of multiprogrammed operating system.
The ideas of multiprogramming is relatively simply, if aprocess(job) is waiting for an I/O request, then the CPU switches
from that job to another job , so the CPU is always busy in multi-programming.
- Define Burst Time.
Ans:- Burst Time refers to the time required in milli seconds by a process for its execution. The Burst Time takes into consideration the CPU time of a process. The I/O time is not taken into consideration. It is called as the execution time or running time of the process.
- What is semaphores ?
Ans:- A semaphore is a shared integer variable with non-negative values which can only be subjected to following two
operations.1.- Initialization2. Invisible operation
The first major advance in dealing with the problems ofconcurrent processes came in 1965 with Dijkstra’s solution.A semaphore mechanism basically consist of twoprimitive operations SIGNAL and WAIT , which operatesspecial type of semaphore variable s.
SYBBA(CA) SPPU QUESTION PAPER 2022- CLICK HERE. - What do you mean by Address Binding ?
Ans:- Computer memory uses both logical addresses and physicaladdresses. Address binding allocates a physical memory location to alogical pointer by associating a physical address to a logical address,which is also known as a virtual address. Address binding is part ofcomputer memory management and it is performed by the operatingsystem on behalf of the applications that need access to memory.
- What do you mean by Rollback ?
Ans:- A rollback is the operation of restoring a database to a previous state by canceling a specific transaction or transaction set. Rollbacks are either performed automatically by database systems or manually by users.
- List various operation on File.
Ans:- A file is an abstract data type. To define a file properly , we needto consider the operations that can be performed on files.
- Creating a file.
- Writting a file.
- Reading a file.
- Repositioning within a file.
- Truncating a file.
- Deleting a file.
- What do you mean by Seek Time in Disk Scheduling ?
Ans:- Seek Time:Seek time is the time taken to locate the disk arm to a specified track where the data is to be read or write. So the disk scheduling algorithm that gives minimum average seek time is better.
Q2) Attempt any four of the following: [4 * 4 = 16]
- List and explain advantages of Multiprocessor system.
Ans:- High Throughput: Throughput is the number of processes executed by the CPU at a given time so this type of system has higher throughput.
Type of parallel processing: Parallel processing means the execution of multiple processes (also known as threads) at the same time.
Less electricity usage: In a single processor system, there is more load as many processes have to be executed at a time. But in multiprocessor system execution of multiple processes in done in a few times. That means multiprocessor CPUs consume low electricity than a single processor.
High Reliability: As multiple processors share their work between one and another so work is completed with collaboration. That means these systems are reliable.
Economic: As more work is completed by the CPU’s so these systems are economically good as well.
- Explain Process Control Block(PCB) in detail with diagram.
Ans:- Each process is represented in the operating system by av process control block also called as task control block.
- Define Burst Time.
Ans:- Burst Time refers to the time required in milli seconds by a process for its execution. The Burst Time takes into consideration the CPU time of a process. The I/O time is not taken into consideration. It is called as the execution time or running time of the process.
- What is semaphores ?
Ans:- A semaphore is a shared integer variable with non-negative values which can only be subjected to following two
operations.1.- Initialization2. Invisible operation
The first major advance in dealing with the problems ofconcurrent processes came in 1965 with Dijkstra’s solution.A semaphore mechanism basically consist of twoprimitive operations SIGNAL and WAIT , which operatesspecial type of semaphore variable s.
SYBBA(CA) SPPU QUESTION PAPER 2022- CLICK HERE. - What do you mean by Address Binding ?
Ans:- Computer memory uses both logical addresses and physicaladdresses. Address binding allocates a physical memory location to alogical pointer by associating a physical address to a logical address,which is also known as a virtual address. Address binding is part ofcomputer memory management and it is performed by the operatingsystem on behalf of the applications that need access to memory.
- What do you mean by Rollback ?
Ans:- A rollback is the operation of restoring a database to a previous state by canceling a specific transaction or transaction set. Rollbacks are either performed automatically by database systems or manually by users.
- List various operation on File.
Ans:- A file is an abstract data type. To define a file properly , we needto consider the operations that can be performed on files.
- Creating a file.
- Writting a file.
- Reading a file.
- Repositioning within a file.
- Truncating a file.
- Deleting a file.
- What do you mean by Seek Time in Disk Scheduling ?
Ans:- Seek Time:Seek time is the time taken to locate the disk arm to a specified track where the data is to be read or write. So the disk scheduling algorithm that gives minimum average seek time is better.
Q2) Attempt any four of the following: [4 * 4 = 16]
- List and explain advantages of Multiprocessor system.
Ans:- High Throughput: Throughput is the number of processes executed by the CPU at a given time so this type of system has higher throughput.
Type of parallel processing: Parallel processing means the execution of multiple processes (also known as threads) at the same time.
Less electricity usage: In a single processor system, there is more load as many processes have to be executed at a time. But in multiprocessor system execution of multiple processes in done in a few times. That means multiprocessor CPUs consume low electricity than a single processor.
High Reliability: As multiple processors share their work between one and another so work is completed with collaboration. That means these systems are reliable.
Economic: As more work is completed by the CPU’s so these systems are economically good as well.
- Explain Process Control Block(PCB) in detail with diagram.
Ans:- Each process is represented in the operating system by av process control block also called as task control block.
- What is semaphores ?
Ans:- A semaphore is a shared integer variable with non-negative values which can only be subjected to following two
operations.1.- Initialization2. Invisible operation
The first major advance in dealing with the problems ofconcurrent processes came in 1965 with Dijkstra’s solution.A semaphore mechanism basically consist of twoprimitive operations SIGNAL and WAIT , which operatesspecial type of semaphore variable s.
SYBBA(CA) SPPU QUESTION PAPER 2022- CLICK HERE. - What do you mean by Address Binding ?
Ans:- Computer memory uses both logical addresses and physicaladdresses. Address binding allocates a physical memory location to alogical pointer by associating a physical address to a logical address,which is also known as a virtual address. Address binding is part ofcomputer memory management and it is performed by the operatingsystem on behalf of the applications that need access to memory.
- What do you mean by Rollback ?
Ans:- A rollback is the operation of restoring a database to a previous state by canceling a specific transaction or transaction set. Rollbacks are either performed automatically by database systems or manually by users.
- List various operation on File.
Ans:- A file is an abstract data type. To define a file properly , we needto consider the operations that can be performed on files.
- Creating a file.
- Writting a file.
- Reading a file.
- Repositioning within a file.
- Truncating a file.
- Deleting a file.
- What do you mean by Seek Time in Disk Scheduling ?
Ans:- Seek Time:Seek time is the time taken to locate the disk arm to a specified track where the data is to be read or write. So the disk scheduling algorithm that gives minimum average seek time is better.
Q2) Attempt any four of the following: [4 * 4 = 16]
- List and explain advantages of Multiprocessor system.
Ans:- High Throughput: Throughput is the number of processes executed by the CPU at a given time so this type of system has higher throughput.
Type of parallel processing: Parallel processing means the execution of multiple processes (also known as threads) at the same time.
Less electricity usage: In a single processor system, there is more load as many processes have to be executed at a time. But in multiprocessor system execution of multiple processes in done in a few times. That means multiprocessor CPUs consume low electricity than a single processor.
High Reliability: As multiple processors share their work between one and another so work is completed with collaboration. That means these systems are reliable.
Economic: As more work is completed by the CPU’s so these systems are economically good as well.
- Explain Process Control Block(PCB) in detail with diagram.
Ans:- Each process is represented in the operating system by av process control block also called as task control block.
- What do you mean by Address Binding ?
Ans:- Computer memory uses both logical addresses and physicaladdresses. Address binding allocates a physical memory location to alogical pointer by associating a physical address to a logical address,which is also known as a virtual address. Address binding is part ofcomputer memory management and it is performed by the operatingsystem on behalf of the applications that need access to memory.
- What do you mean by Rollback ?
Ans:- A rollback is the operation of restoring a database to a previous state by canceling a specific transaction or transaction set. Rollbacks are either performed automatically by database systems or manually by users.
- List various operation on File.
Ans:- A file is an abstract data type. To define a file properly , we needto consider the operations that can be performed on files.
- Creating a file.
- Writting a file.
- Reading a file.
- Repositioning within a file.
- Truncating a file.
- Deleting a file.
- What do you mean by Seek Time in Disk Scheduling ?
Ans:- Seek Time:Seek time is the time taken to locate the disk arm to a specified track where the data is to be read or write. So the disk scheduling algorithm that gives minimum average seek time is better.
Q2) Attempt any four of the following: [4 * 4 = 16]
- List and explain advantages of Multiprocessor system.
Ans:- High Throughput: Throughput is the number of processes executed by the CPU at a given time so this type of system has higher throughput.
Type of parallel processing: Parallel processing means the execution of multiple processes (also known as threads) at the same time.
Less electricity usage: In a single processor system, there is more load as many processes have to be executed at a time. But in multiprocessor system execution of multiple processes in done in a few times. That means multiprocessor CPUs consume low electricity than a single processor.
High Reliability: As multiple processors share their work between one and another so work is completed with collaboration. That means these systems are reliable.
Economic: As more work is completed by the CPU’s so these systems are economically good as well.
- Explain Process Control Block(PCB) in detail with diagram.
Ans:- Each process is represented in the operating system by av process control block also called as task control block.
- What do you mean by Rollback ?
Ans:- A rollback is the operation of restoring a database to a previous state by canceling a specific transaction or transaction set. Rollbacks are either performed automatically by database systems or manually by users.
- List various operation on File.
Ans:- A file is an abstract data type. To define a file properly , we needto consider the operations that can be performed on files.
- Creating a file.
- Writting a file.
- Reading a file.
- Repositioning within a file.
- Truncating a file.
- Deleting a file.
- What do you mean by Seek Time in Disk Scheduling ?
Ans:- Seek Time:Seek time is the time taken to locate the disk arm to a specified track where the data is to be read or write. So the disk scheduling algorithm that gives minimum average seek time is better.
Q2) Attempt any four of the following: [4 * 4 = 16]
- List and explain advantages of Multiprocessor system.
Ans:- High Throughput: Throughput is the number of processes executed by the CPU at a given time so this type of system has higher throughput.
Type of parallel processing: Parallel processing means the execution of multiple processes (also known as threads) at the same time.
Less electricity usage: In a single processor system, there is more load as many processes have to be executed at a time. But in multiprocessor system execution of multiple processes in done in a few times. That means multiprocessor CPUs consume low electricity than a single processor.
High Reliability: As multiple processors share their work between one and another so work is completed with collaboration. That means these systems are reliable.
Economic: As more work is completed by the CPU’s so these systems are economically good as well.
- Explain Process Control Block(PCB) in detail with diagram.
Ans:- Each process is represented in the operating system by av process control block also called as task control block.
- List various operation on File.
- Creating a file.
- Writting a file.
- Reading a file.
- Repositioning within a file.
- Truncating a file.
- Deleting a file.
- What do you mean by Seek Time in Disk Scheduling ?
Ans:- Seek Time:Seek time is the time taken to locate the disk arm to a specified track where the data is to be read or write. So the disk scheduling algorithm that gives minimum average seek time is better.
Q2) Attempt any four of the following: [4 * 4 = 16]
- List and explain advantages of Multiprocessor system.
Ans:- High Throughput: Throughput is the number of processes executed by the CPU at a given time so this type of system has higher throughput.
Type of parallel processing: Parallel processing means the execution of multiple processes (also known as threads) at the same time.
Less electricity usage: In a single processor system, there is more load as many processes have to be executed at a time. But in multiprocessor system execution of multiple processes in done in a few times. That means multiprocessor CPUs consume low electricity than a single processor.
High Reliability: As multiple processors share their work between one and another so work is completed with collaboration. That means these systems are reliable.
Economic: As more work is completed by the CPU’s so these systems are economically good as well.
- Explain Process Control Block(PCB) in detail with diagram.
Ans:- Each process is represented in the operating system by av process control block also called as task control block.
• The operating system groups all information that it need abouta particular process• When the process is created the operating system creates acorresponding PCB and releases whenever the process isterminates.• The information stored in PCB included :- Process Name(ID) Priority.
- Explain different method for recovery from deadlock.
Ans:- There are three ways to handle the deadlock.• We can use a protocol to prevent or avoid deadlocks , ensuringthat the system will never enter a deadlock state.1. Mutual Exclusion• The mutual-exclusion condition must hold for non-sharableresources.• Shareable resources , on the other hand, do not require mutuallyexclusive access , and thus , cannot be involve in a deadlock.• For example, read only files. If several processes attempt toopen read only file at the same time, they can be grantedsimultaneous access to file.• Example of non-sharable resource is printer, it can not besimultaneously shared by several processes and sharableresource example is Read only files.2.Hold and Wait• To ensure that hold-and-wait condition never occurs in thesystem, we must guarantee that, whenever process requestsresource, it does not hold any other resources.
• The hold and wait condition can be eliminated by requiring orforcing a process to release all resources held by it whenever itrequest a resource that is not available.3.No Preemption:-• Deadlock arises due to the fact that a process can't be stoppedonce it starts. However, if we take the resource away from theprocess which is causing deadlock then we can preventdeadlock.
- What is Fragmentation ? Explain types of Fragmentation in details.
Ans:- Fragmentation is an unwanted problem where the memory blocks cannot be allocated to the processes due to their small size and the blocks remain unused. It can also be understood as when the processes are loaded and removed from the memory they create free space or hole in the memory and these small blocks cannot be allocated to new upcoming processes and results in inefficient use of memory. Basically, there are two types of fragmentation:- Internal Fragmentation
- External Fragmentation
- Explain different method for recovery from deadlock.
Ans:- There are three ways to handle the deadlock.• We can use a protocol to prevent or avoid deadlocks , ensuringthat the system will never enter a deadlock state.1. Mutual Exclusion• The mutual-exclusion condition must hold for non-sharableresources.• Shareable resources , on the other hand, do not require mutuallyexclusive access , and thus , cannot be involve in a deadlock.• For example, read only files. If several processes attempt toopen read only file at the same time, they can be grantedsimultaneous access to file.• Example of non-sharable resource is printer, it can not besimultaneously shared by several processes and sharableresource example is Read only files.2.Hold and Wait• To ensure that hold-and-wait condition never occurs in thesystem, we must guarantee that, whenever process requestsresource, it does not hold any other resources.
• The hold and wait condition can be eliminated by requiring orforcing a process to release all resources held by it whenever itrequest a resource that is not available.3.No Preemption:-• Deadlock arises due to the fact that a process can't be stoppedonce it starts. However, if we take the resource away from theprocess which is causing deadlock then we can preventdeadlock.
- What is Fragmentation ? Explain types of Fragmentation in details.
Ans:- Fragmentation is an unwanted problem where the memory blocks cannot be allocated to the processes due to their small size and the blocks remain unused. It can also be understood as when the processes are loaded and removed from the memory they create free space or hole in the memory and these small blocks cannot be allocated to new upcoming processes and results in inefficient use of memory. Basically, there are two types of fragmentation:- Internal Fragmentation
- External Fragmentation
- What is Fragmentation ? Explain types of Fragmentation in details.
Ans:- Fragmentation is an unwanted problem where the memory blocks cannot be allocated to the processes due to their small size and the blocks remain unused. It can also be understood as when the processes are loaded and removed from the memory they create free space or hole in the memory and these small blocks cannot be allocated to new upcoming processes and results in inefficient use of memory. Basically, there are two types of fragmentation:- Internal Fragmentation
- External Fragmentation
Internal Fragmentation
In this fragmentation, the process is allocated a memory block of size more than the size of that process. Due to this some part of the memory is left unused and this cause internal fragmentation.
In this fragmentation, the process is allocated a memory block of size more than the size of that process. Due to this some part of the memory is left unused and this cause internal fragmentation.
External Fragmentation
In this fragmentation, although we have total space available that is needed by a process still we are not able to put that process in the memory because that space is not contiguous. This is called external fragmentation.
- Calculate average turn around time and average waiting time for all set of processes using FCFS algorithm.
In this fragmentation, although we have total space available that is needed by a process still we are not able to put that process in the memory because that space is not contiguous. This is called external fragmentation.
- Calculate average turn around time and average waiting time for all set of processes using FCFS algorithm.
Processes | Burst Time | Arrival Time |
P1 | 5 | 1 |
P2 | 6 | 0 |
P3 | 2 | 2 |
P4 | 4 | 0 |
Processes | Burst Time | Arrival Time | Waiting Time | Turn around Time |
P1 | 5 | 1 | 9 | 14 |
P2 | 6 | 0 | 0 | 6 |
P3 | 2 | 2 | 13 | 15 |
P4 | 4 | 0 | 6 | 10 |
Q3) Attempt any four of the following: [4 * 4 = 16]
- List and explain system calls related to Process and job control.
Types are:process control, file manipulation,device manipulation, information maintanence and communication.
Job Control: a job running in the foreground can be stopped by typing the suspend character .This sends the "terminal stop" signal to the process group.SIGTSTP causes processes receiving it to stop and control is returned to the shell.
- Explain multilevel Feedback queue Algorithm.
Ans:- In a multilevel queue-scheduling algorithm, processes are permanently assigned to a queue on entry to the system. Processes do not move between queues. This setup has the advantage of low scheduling overhead, but the disadvantage of being inflexible.
Multilevel feedback queue scheduling, however, allows a process to move between queues. The idea is to separate processes with different CPU-burst characteristics. If a process uses too much CPU time, it will be moved to a lower-priority queue. Similarly, a process that waits too long in a lower-priority queue may be moved to a higher-priority queue. This form of aging prevents starvation.
- Describe in detail the 'Dinning Philosopher Problem' Synchronization Problem.
Ans:- The dining philosophers problem states that there are 5
philosophers sharing a circular table and they eat and thinkalternatively. There is a bowl of rice for each of thephilosophers and 5 chopsticks. A philosopher needs both theirright and left chopstick to eat. A hungry philosopher may onlyeat if there are both chopsticks available. Otherwise aphilosopher puts down their chopstick and begin thinkingagain.• The dining philosopher is a classic synchronization problem asit demonstrates a large class of concurrency control problems.
Solution:-• A solution of the Dining Philosophers Problem is to use asemaphore to represent a chopstick. A chopstick can be pickedup by executing a wait operation on the semaphore andreleased by executing a signal semaphore.
- Write a note on interrupts.
Ans:- An interrupt is a signal emitted by a device attached to a computer or from a program within the computer. It requires the operating system (OS) to stop and figure out what to do next. An interrupt temporarily stops or terminates a service or a current process. Most I/O devices have a bus control line called Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) for this purpose.
An interrupt signal might be planned (i.e., specifically requested by a program) or it may be unplanned (i.e., caused by an event that may not be related to a program that's currently running on the system).
Today, almost all computing systems are interrupt-driven. What this means is that they follow the list of computer instructions in a program and run the instructions until they get to the end or until they sense an interrupt signal. If the latter event happens, the computer either resumes running the current program or begins running another program. In either case, it must stop operations while deciding on the next action. To do this and to work on other programs, the OS uses pauses in operations.
Q4) Attempt any four of the following: [4 * 4 = 16]
- What is meant by Free Space Management ? Define Bit vector and Grouping.
- Define the terms:
Logical Address
Physical Address
- Explain Resource Allocation Graph in detail.
- What are the difference between Preemptive and Non-Preemptive Scheduling.
- Assume there are total 0-199 tracks that are present on each surface of the disk. If request queue is 68,172,4,178,130,40,118 and 136 initial position of the head is 25. Apply FCFS disk scheduling algorithm and calculate total head Movement.
Q5) Write a short note on any two of the following:
- write short note on solution for critical section problem.
- write a short note on Medium term schedular.
- explain Indexed Allocation briefly.
----------Thank You--------
- Write a note on interrupts.
Ans:- An interrupt is a signal emitted by a device attached to a computer or from a program within the computer. It requires the operating system (OS) to stop and figure out what to do next. An interrupt temporarily stops or terminates a service or a current process. Most I/O devices have a bus control line called Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) for this purpose.
An interrupt signal might be planned (i.e., specifically requested by a program) or it may be unplanned (i.e., caused by an event that may not be related to a program that's currently running on the system).
Today, almost all computing systems are interrupt-driven. What this means is that they follow the list of computer instructions in a program and run the instructions until they get to the end or until they sense an interrupt signal. If the latter event happens, the computer either resumes running the current program or begins running another program. In either case, it must stop operations while deciding on the next action. To do this and to work on other programs, the OS uses pauses in operations.
Q4) Attempt any four of the following: [4 * 4 = 16]
- What is meant by Free Space Management ? Define Bit vector and Grouping.
- Define the terms:
1 | 2 |
Logical Address | Physical Address |
- Explain Resource Allocation Graph in detail.
- What are the difference between Preemptive and Non-Preemptive Scheduling.
- Assume there are total 0-199 tracks that are present on each surface of the disk. If request queue is 68,172,4,178,130,40,118 and 136 initial position of the head is 25. Apply FCFS disk scheduling algorithm and calculate total head Movement.
- write short note on solution for critical section problem.
- write a short note on Medium term schedular.
- explain Indexed Allocation briefly.